Practice Set-Hydrogen

Practice Set-Hydrogen

Here are a few questions related to preparation, properties, isotopes, uses, and compounds of hydrogen. After completion of the chapter, you may go through it.

Very Short-Type Questions

  1. Name the isotope of hydrogen which does not contain neutron.
  2. Name one compound of hydrogen with +1 and another one with -1 oxidation states.
  3. How heavy water is produced from ordinary water?
  4. What is meant by 15 volumes of H2O2?
  5. What is Marck’sperhydrol?
  6. How the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide prevented?
  7. Provide one peroxidizing property of hydrogen peroxide.
  8. Provide one oxidizing action of hydrogen peroxide.
  9. Provide one reducing action of hydrogen peroxide.
  10. Name one addition compound formed by hydrogen peroxide.
  11. What makes hydrogen peroxide so unstable?
  12. Which isotope of hydrogen is used in Fourier transform spectroscopy?
  13. How heavy water is used in the nuclear reactor?
  14. What is the degree of hardness?
  15. How the degree of hardness is expressed?
  16. Why Organic ion exchange method is superior topermutit method?
  17. What are Ion exchange resins?
  18. What are Cation exchangers?
  19. Write the general formula of Zeolite.
  20. Why water turns hard?
  21. Provide some examples of soft water.
  22. Provide some examples of hard water.
  23. What is interstitial water?
  24. What is the water of crystallization?
  25. Which property of water allows it to dissolve many substances in it?
  26. What are hydrides?
  27. Provide one used of liquid hydrogen.
  28. Why hydrogen peroxide is used as a bleaching agent?
  29. What is the action of hydrogen peroxide on litmus paper?
  30. What is oxygenated water?
  31. Name a compound where hydrogen can be stored?
  32. Name a hydride which does not have definite composition.
  33. Which isotope of hydrogen is used to make a thermonuclear device?
  34. Which isotope of hydrogen is used to produce oxyhydrogen flame?
  35. What is the isotope effect?
  36. What is the main component of natural gas?
  37. What is water gas?
  38. What is syngas?
  39. Which compounds are used as solid fuels?
  40. Which hydrides can act as Lewis base?
  41. Name a solid and liquid absorbent of water.
  42. What is ortizon?
  43. What is hydrolith?

Short-Type Questions:

  1. How hydrogen gas is prepared from water?
  2. How hydrogen gas is prepared from water gas?
  3. How hydrogen gas is prepared from brine?
  4. How hydrogen gas produced in the lab is purified?
  5. How acetaldehyde is prepared from hydrogen?
  6. Mention two uses of hydrogen.
  7. Mention two advantages and disadvantages of hydrogen being used as fuel.
  8. What are hydrides? Which elements can form hydrides?
  9. How CaH2 is prepared?
  10. Arrange the hydrides of group 1 and 2 in the decreasing order of thermal stability.
  11. What are the different types of covalent hydrides?
  12. What are Borderline hydrides?
  13. Describe the structure of water.
  14. What is meant by the anomalous expansion of water?
  15. Mention the importance of the various anomalous physical properties of water?
  16. Show that water possesses the amphoteric property.
  17. Show that water possesses oxidizing and reducing property.
  18. How temporary hardness of water is removed by Clark’s process?
  19. How Calgon is used to remove the hardness of water?
  20. How exhausted resin regenerated?
  21. How hardness of water is estimated?
  22. How heavy water is prepared from ordinary water?
  23. How heavy water reacts with-
    1. CaC2
    2. Al3N2
    3. P2O5
    4. BaS
  24. Mention some uses of hard water.
  25. Why phosphoric acid is preferred than sulphuric acid in the lab preparation of hydrogen peroxide.
  26. How hydrogen peroxide is prepared using ammonium sulfate?
  27. How hydrogen peroxide is prepared by autooxidation?
  28. How hydrogen peroxide is concentrated?
  29. How hydrogen peroxide is stored?
  30. With diagram differentiate between the structure of hydrogen peroxide in the solid and gaseous state.
  31. Name the factors which accelerate the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.
  32. With example show the bleaching property of hydrogen peroxide.
  33. How hydrogen peroxide can form an addition compound?
  34. How will you chemically identify hydrogen peroxide?
  35. Mention some uses of hydrogen peroxide.

Numerical problems:

  1. 5cc an aqueous solution of H2O2 liberates 0.592 g of I2 from an acidic solution of KI. Calculate the strength of the H2O2 solution.
  2. A sample of hard water contains 20mg of Ca2+ ion per liter. How many milli-equivalent of sodium carbonate would be required to soften the 1L of the sample?
  3. 500mL of a sample of water containing calcium bicarbonate is titrated against N/60 HCl with a methyl orange indicator. 20mL of the HCl solution is used for complete neutralization. Determine the degree of hardness of the sample.
  4. 10mL of a given solution of H2O2 contains 0.85g of H2O2. Calculate its strength.
  5. 30mL of a 10Volume solution of hydrogen peroxide acidified with sulphuric acid requires 30mL of N/10 KMnO4 for complete oxidation. Calculate the strength of H2O2 in the solution in %, Volume, and normality.
  6. Convert 5 volumes of H2O2 into normality and % strength.
  7. 1L of hard water contains 0.006g of ferric chloride, 0.008g of calcium sulfate, 0.01g of sodium chloride, and 0.01g of magnesium sulfate. Calculate the degree of hardness of the water sample. ( Density of water is 1.1g/mL)
  8. 100kg of hard water is found to contain 5g of magnesium sulfate. Calculate the hardness of the water.
  9. 50L of a sample of water containing calcium bicarbonate requires 22.2g of calcium hydroxide to soften. Calculate the amount of calcium bicarbonate present per liter of hard water.
  10. 50mL of a sample of hard water requires 10mL of N/50 HCl for neutralization. Calculate the degree of hardness of the water.


Very Short-Type Questions

  1. Protium
  2. H2O and NaH respectively
  3. By extensive electrolysis using steel container
  4. 1mL of the given sample solution on decomposition to evolves 15mL of oxygen at N.T.P.
  5. Marck’sperhydrol is the trade name of 30% H2O2.
  6. A negative catalyst such as glycerine, acetanilide, phosphoric acid, urea, alcohol is often added as a stabilizer to prevent the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.
  8. 2FeSO4 + H2SO4 + H2O2ALL ABOUT CHEMISTRY→Fe2(SO4)3 + 2H2O
  9. 2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 + 5H2O2ALL ABOUT CHEMISTRY →K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 8H2O + 5O2
  10. [(NH4)2SO4,H2O2]
  11. Peroxo linkage(-O-O-)
  12. Deuterium
  13. Heavy water is used as moderator and coolant for nuclear reactor.
  14. The degree of hardness is defined as the number of parts of calcium carbonate or equivalent to various calcium and magnesium salts present in a million parts of water by mass.
  15. Degree of hardness is expressed in ppm(parts per million)
  16. Organic ion exchange method is superior to permutit process as all cations(Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+) and anions(Cl-, SO42- and HCO32-) can be removed by this process resulting deionized or demineralized water.
  17. Ion exchange resins are polymers that are capable of exchanging particular ions within the polymer with ions in a solution that is passed through them.
  18. Cation exchangers are resins with –COOH or –SO3H group joined to the giant structure.
  19. The general formula of zeolite is Na2Z, where Z= Al2Si2O8.xH2O
  20. The hardness of water is due to the presence of sulfates, chlorides, and bicarbonates of Mg and Ca.
  21. Rainwater, demineralized water, and distilled water.
  22. Sea, river, spring, lake, and well water.
  23. Compounds in which water molecules occupy the interstitial space in the crystal lattice.
  24. Certain salts contain water molecules in their molecules; such water molecules are called water of crystallization.
  25. The high dielectric constant of water allows it to dissolve any substance in it.
  26. Hydrides are binary compounds of hydrogen
  27. Liquid hydrogen is used for rocket fuel in the space program.
  28. Hydrogen peroxide decomposes to nascent oxygen, which acts as an oxidizing agent.
  29. Hydrogen peroxide turns blue litmus red.
  30. Hydrogen peroxide
  31. Interstitial hydride
  32. Interstitial hydride
  33. Tritium
  34. Protium
  35. Due to the difference in the atomic masses of the isotopes, they possess different physical properties and reaction rates but the same chemical properties. This is called the isotope effect.
  36. Methane
  37. An equivolume mixture of CO and H2
  38. A mixture of CO and H2 irrespective of their composition.
  39. Ionic hydrides
  40. Covalent hydride
  41. Conc. H2SO4 and P2O5
  42. Addition compound of urea and hydrogen peroxide.
  43. CaH2

Short-Type Questions:

  1. Refer to text
  2. Refer to text
  3. Refer to text
  4. Refer to text
  5. Refer to text
  6. Refer to text
  7. Refer to text
  8. Refer to text
  9. CaH2 can be prepared directly on passing hydrogen gas over Calcium heated at 322-7000C.Ca + H2ALL ABOUT CHEMISTRY  CaH2
  10. LiH>NaH>KH>RbH>CsH and CaH2>SrH2, BaH2
  11. Electron-deficient hydrides like B2H6, Electron-exact hydrides like CH4, Electron rich hydrides like NH3
  12. Compounds which have properties intermediate between covalent hydrides and saline hydrides.
  13. Refer to text
  14. Refer to text
  15. Refer to text
  16. Refer to text
  17. Refer to text
  18. Refer to text
  19. Refer to text
  20. Refer to text
  21. Hard water is titrated with EDTA (containing buffer solution of pH 10) with Eriochrome Black T indicator. When all the Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions are consumed, the color of the indicator changes from wine red to blue.
  22. to 35. Refer to text

Numerical problems:

  1. 5.22
  2. 1 Meq
  3. 32ppm
  4. 28
  5. 0.17%, 0.56, 0.1N
  6. 0.892N and 1.5%
  7. 17.957ppm
  8. 41.66ppm
  9. 0.972g
  10. 200ppm

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